Wednesday 29
Bioinformatics and healthcare
J. Blazewicz
› 16:40 - 17:00 (20min)
Reduced Pareto Set Genetic Algorithm: Application to Protein Structure Prediction
António Gaspar-Cunha  1@  , Rodrigo Faccioli, Alexandre Defelicibus, Leandro Bortot, Alexandre Delbem@
1 : . Instituto de Polímeros e Compósitos – IPC/I3N, Universidade de Minho, Guimarães, Portugal  (IPC/I3N)

The determination of the native spatial arrangement of the molecule proteins, corresponding to a global or local energy minimum state, is a fundamental task since this minimum energy state can represents the real protein functional conformation. In spite of its importance, there is no efficient computational method that achieves such purpose, in an efficient way, for the existing proteins.

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